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new Array<T>(length?: number, value?: T)

Creates a new Array<T> type with the given preallocated length and pre-filled with value.

Compiles to either a table literal or a table.create() call in Luau.

new Map<K, V>(entries?: Array<[K, V]>)

Creates a new Map<K, V> type pre-filled with the entries given as the argument if provided.

Compiles to a table literal.

new ReadonlyMap<K, V>(entries?: Array<[K, V]>)

Same as new Map<K, V>, but creates a ReadonlyMap<K, V> type instead.

new WeakMap<K, V>(entries?: Array<[K, V]>)

Same as new Map<K, V>, but creates a WeakMap<K, V> type instead.

Compiles using setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }).

new Set<V>(values?: Array<T>)

Creates a new Set<V> type pre-filled with the values given as the argument if provided.

Compiles to a table literal.

new ReadonlySet<V>(values?: Array<T>)

Same as new Set<V>, but creates a ReadonlySet<V> type instead.

new WeakSet<V>(values?: Array<T>)

Same as new Set<V>, but creates a WeakSet<V> type instead.

Compiles using setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }).

new Promise<T>()

Creates a new Promise<T> type. You can find documentation for the promise library that comes bundled with roblox-ts here.