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TypeScript Packages


To publish roblox-ts packages, you'll need to join the "@rbxts" npm organization. You can do that here.

Getting Started

Creating packages with roblox-ts is super easy!

To start, just create an empty folder and run npm init roblox-ts package inside of it. This will generate a project scaffolding for your package. You can author your .ts files inside of the src folder.

In package.json, you can edit a few different fields to configure your package:

  • "name" - This must begin with @rbxts/ to be considered a valid roblox-ts package.
  • "description"
  • "main" - This should point to a .lua file in out which represents your package's entrypoint.
  • "typings" - This should point to a .d.ts file in out which represents your package's entrypoint.
  • "files" - An array of globs for what should be published to npm. Defaults to ["out"]. You don't explicitly have to specify special files like package.json, LICENSE or here, as npm includes those by default.
  • "repository" - If your package's source is public on something like GitHub, you should include a link to it in this field.
  • "homepage" - If your package has online documentation, you should include a link to it in this field.
  • "author" - Your own name or username.
  • "license" - The license of your package's code. This should be the SPDX license identifier that corresponds to your LICENSE file.

Testing Your Package

The simplest way to test your package is with npm pack. This command will generate a .tgz file which can then be used from another project via npm install ../../path/to/package.tgz.


When publishing a package for the first time, you might run into this issue:

npm publish errors with "npm error 402 Payment Required"