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Using Existing Luau

roblox-ts lets you use existing Luau scripts in your TypeScript codebase. All you have to do is define the types in a type declaration file (.d.ts).

Creating Type Declaration Files

roblox-ts will copy any non-compiled file (anything that isn't a .ts or .tsx file) into your outDir (out). This lets you place .lua files in your rootDir (src) and they will be copied into the outDir (out) and then synced into Roblox Studio using Rojo.

To create a type declaration file (.d.ts) for this .lua file, simply create a file next to it using the same name.

As an exception, if the name of your .lua file is init.lua, your type definition file needs to be named index.d.ts.

Modeling Module Return Values

Luau scripts return a single value at the end in the form of:

local Module = {}

-- define Module members

return Module

To model this return value in TypeScript types, we can use an "Export Assignment" statement:

interface Module {
// define Module member types

// create a value from our type
declare const Module: Module;

export = Module;

And you could import it as:

import Module from "./Module";

If a module uses a table return containing static fields/functions, it may be preferrable to use normal exports.

local MyConstants = {}

MyConstants.Foo = "Bar"
MyConstants.Secret = "hunter2"

return MyConstants

Then your types could look like this:

export declare const Foo: string;
export declare const Secret: string;

And you could import them as:

import { Foo, Secret } from "./MyConstants";
print(Foo, Secret);

Typings for Custom Classes

A common way to describe custom OOP classes is with a MyClass interface, MyClassConstructor interface, and a MyClass variable of type MyClassConstructor.

interface MyClass {
instanceProperty: string;
instanceMethod(): number;

interface MyClassConstructor {
new (): MyClass;
staticProperty: string;
staticMethod(): number;

declare const MyClass: MyClassConstructor;
export = MyClass;

Then in another file, you can use this as:


const myClass = new MyClass();